Holly Davey
Image credit: Stage Flat no.1 (After Ann Henderson), 2024
The Unforgetting
And here you are in front of me.
Rummaging through, I was invited btw, but not by you. Respectfully I keep your order of date, time, archival number. I look, read, study, think, make notes, stare out the window, listen to sounds of traffic below, the train whistles, and platform announcements. To understand your context is crucial. You hang over the railway station. For 50 years. The same age as me. I sit back.
- What do you want to show me? I ask.
You lean in.
An excerpt from ‘The Unforgetting’, a commission researching the archive at Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh, to celebrate fifty years of the gallery. The research results in an installation compromising of sculptural works, a script, drawings and an audio work. The exhibition runs from 19th October until 17th November. There is an artist talk and a performance by Jill Smith (the first woman to exhibit at the gallery) on Friday 25th October from 6 – 8pm. All welcome.
For more information: